Žirgų sarven majakka rakennettiin vuonna 1900 Kuurin laguuniin Pervalkaan Agilan lahteen. Tämä on ainoa majakka Kuurinhaffissa, joka ei sijaitse maalla, vaan pienellä keinotekoisella saarella.
Majakka ohjaa kolema väylää - Klaipeda pohjoisessa, Nida lounaassa ja Ventes-Ragas kaakossa.
Rakennettu vuonna 1948:
- torni on pyöreä, valurauta
- torni on maalattu punaiseksi
- lyhty on maalattu valkoinen
- korkeus on 14 metriä
- merkkivalo on valkoinen

Žirgų horn lighthouse was built in 1900 in the Curonian Lagoon at Pervalka behind the Agila bay, in front of the Žirgų horn of cape Birštvynas. During a century it was rebuilt several times, since the last reconstruction it was equipped with an automatic mechanism for the lighthouse, and lighthouse keepers come here only occasionally. This is the only lighthouse in the Curonian Lagoon, located not on land, but on a small artificial island. The lighthouse can be inspected from a ship, and it is also visible from the coast of the Curonian Spit.
The Lighthouse marks the convergence of three channels - Klaipeda to North, Nida to South-West and Ventes Ragas to South-East.
Built in the year 1948, the Pervalka Lighthouse:
- Tower is ROUND cast iron
- Tower is painted RED
- Lantern is painted WHITE
- Height is 14 metres
- Colour scheme of the LIGHT is WHITE
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