Olen aina rakastanut majakoita. Miksen siis kuvaisi niitä? * I´ve always loved lighthouses. So, why shouldn´t I take photos of them?

© Mari Hirsikallio

Tmi Kameravene Mari Hirsikallio
p. 040 581 7592

- Mikäli kuvat kiinnostavat, ota yhteyttä! Kuvien käyttö ilman lupaani kielletty.
- If you want my photos, please contact! You are not allowed to use my photos without my permission.


Rubjerg Knude, Tanska / Denmark

The lighthouse tower is 23 metres high, and, when the lighthouse was built, it was 200 metres inland; and there were no large dunes around it.  With time the sea moved in closer, and, simultaneously, the wind blew large amounts of sand up from the cliff.  The sand piled up in front of and around the lighthouse.  It filled the well and ruined the kitchen gardens.

To suppress the sand pine grates were set in and  lyme grass and helmet was planted in the dune.  The only result was that the dune just grew larger.  The more that was planted, the more the dune grew.  At last the sand was so high that at times it was impossible to see the light from the sea.  On August 1. 1968 the struggle was given up and the lighthouse was lit for the last time.

Via www.rubjergknude.dk

Chancing landscape - dynes are growing: the lighthouse and the seasons.

In 1980 the Sand Drift Museum opened, and the lighthouse now was the frame for Vendsyssel Historical Museum’s exhibit on sand and sand drift.  In 1992 the fight against the sand drift was given up.  The dune continued to migrate toward the north east and slowly buried the buildings, and the Sand Drift Museum was closed in 2002.

More: rubjergknude.dk

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